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We are a SEBI registered Investment Advisor with high standards of client care

Investor Charter - Annexure B

Not a single complaint has ever been filed by any investor since inception


Reform inefficient succession processes

India's succession process is broken. Most of us have faced issues in dealing with transfer of assets of a deceased investor. Succession remains an obstacle course across all asset classes with real estate and agricultural land being the worst even in cases where there are no disputes. SEBI's recent circular categorically stating that the MFs or Depositories can only ask for death certificate and KYC documents from the nominees apart from the standardised transmission form (and nothing else) should do much to ease the process of succession in the securities market. The government has a great opportunity to take the ...
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Rely on rolling returns, not point to point data

"FD can give better returns over a 10 year period than stock markets". That was the shocking statement that triggered this article in Business Standard more so because is true 5% of the time (95% of the time stock markets beat fixed deposits over 10 years). Clients often struggle to embrace rolling returns, which offer a clearer picture than misleading point-to-point comparisons. Mark Twain's words on 'lies, damned lies, and statistics' resonate when cherry-picking exceptional periods like the rare 10 year period where FDs beat the stock market—ignoring that 95% of the time, stocks outperform FDs. Investors reading this please ...
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Liquid Index vs Nifty TRI 1,3,5,10 Yr Rolling Return

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The Fee-Only Edge

360 Degrees Expertise

Proven expertise across investments, taxation, regulations governing foreign investments and remittances, loans and risk management.

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Fee-Only compensation model means our advise is unbiased

Fiduciary Responsibility

Putting our clients interests above our own is in our DNA. A SEBI registered investment advisor is required by regulations to put the clients’ interest above his own.

Our Services

Comprehensive Financial Planning

The big picture. Risk profiling, determining goals, asset allocation, risk management, monitoring investments,truly comprehensive.

Investment Management

Create smart and calculated investments using our expertise and proprietary tools.

NRI Investment/Remittance/Taxation services

Make informed investments across borders complying with all laws. Remittances and end to end taxation services

Taxation Advisory

End-to-end taxation solutions

Loan consulting

Make the best of what you owe. Save on existing loans and make your funds work in your favour.

Risk Management

Make data and need based analysis to identify your risk requirements along with recommendations on covering yourself, your loved ones and your assets.

Retirement planning

Secure your future with effective investment strategies accounting for inflation and special needs.

Fee Only Speak


Working in Middle East for the last 20 years

I have been working in the Middle east for the last 20 years continuously and except for short holidays not exceeding 30 days a year……..

Citizenship of UK

I am a non-Indian Origin citizen of UK. I have been working in a permanent job in India since 2005. I have an appropriate work Visa and have not travelled outside India since that time…..

Visa Queries

I am a non-Indian Origin citizen of UK. I have been working in a permanent job in India since 2005. I have an appropriate work Visa and have not travelled outside India since that time.

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