Creating a balance sheet for every Indian

“The Account Aggregator System should enable the easy compilation of a Balance Sheet for every Indian” – was the clarion call provided by Mr. K V Kamath as he went to the heart of the matter in his characteristic style. This was amply borne out by Harsh’s experience in providing financial planning services to his household help Sapna and her family. Such experience can be repeated with millions of Indian families if the potential of the Account Aggregator System(#AAS) is fully unlocked. #AAS has been ably helmed by RBI and is a great example of what inter regulatory coordination (RBI, SEBI, IRDA, PFRDA & GST) can achieve. Despite its undoubted potential a few steps (outlined in the article) by the regulators can unlock the full potential of AAS and enable it to live up to the goal set by Kamath Sir. It will also assist the investment advisory profession to shed it’s elitist tag and strive towards the goal of a financial plan for every Indian.

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