Reform inefficient succession processes

India’s succession process is broken. Most of us have faced issues in dealing with transfer of assets of a deceased investor. Succession remains an obstacle course across all asset classes with real estate and agricultural land being the worst even in cases where there are no disputes. SEBI’s recent circular categorically stating that the MFs or Depositories can only ask for death certificate and KYC documents from the nominees apart from the standardised transmission form (and nothing else) should do much to ease the process of succession in the securities market. The government has a great opportunity to take the ease of living index up many notches by ensuring changes in laws and procedures that will make the succession process easier across the financial sector and possibly even the real estate sector. It requires no budgetary support just the will to act. Will we see action on this front soon?

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Sebi´s new product: MF´s efficiency, PMS´ control

The New Product (earlier called New Asset Class) approved by SEBI Board, is excellent for investors comfortable with high risk investments. It will also allow Long short strategies and is designed to wean investors away from unregulated products. Whilst the New Product will do that, the operational ease and tax benefits of the MF structure will most probably also result in the New Product eating into the existing Rs. 2 lakh crore PMS market. If the fund manager is offering a choice to the investor between the two , there is no doubt the investor will choose the New Product.

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Lack of central KYC hinders market participation

Harsh just spent an idyllic week trekking through south west france. His tour organiser could put this together so well because the basic infrastructure already exists. Things like complete Geo marking of every square meter, availability of licensed hotels and taxi services who actually follow the licensing conditions & general cleanliness allowed them to build and deliver excellent packages on top. His article in the Business Standard drawing an analogy to an investors journey where the lack of a basic infrastructure like a centralized KYC has meant that 20 crore indians are involved with crypto/online gaming platforms with real money, but only half as many have demat accounts, and less than a quarter invest in MF.

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Simplifying nominations can boost financialisation

Indian securities market regulator SEBI has recently sought public comments on a consultation paper that seeks to comprehensively revamp the entire process of transferring assets to the nominees on the death of the investor. It seeks to remove hurdles and standardise the process so that the transfer to nominees can happen in a few weeks (the dream is the transfer happening in a few days of applying and God willing even that will happen eventually as the system stabilises). The paper also deals with providing access to the investor themselves in case of their incapacitation (unfortunately many such cases are coming up as longevity of Indians increase due to advances in medical science) . This is a giant step towards making Investments in Indian securities market convenient and easy and will aid in spurring the ongoing process of financialisation of household investment assets.

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Unified death reporting is the need of the hour

A loved one has passed away. You are the nominee in all the mutual funds and shares owned by the deceased. You dread the multiple trips and the time to be spent and efforts required to follow different rules at each of the 7 MFs in which the loved one had investments & the 2 Depository participants where the shares were held. Now Imagine this. You submit the death certificate and the PAN of the deceased at one of the MFs. Within a week all the 7 MFs and both the DPs reach out to you proactively on their own with the details of the standard forms and steps required to get the assets transmitted to your name. If that sounds like Fantasy – it will be true starting on January 1, 2024 – many thanks to a path breaking circular issued by SEBI. No comparable mechanism exists anywhere else in the world Thanks to the white paper – written by Pramod Rao (in his personal capacity) – foreword by Mr K V Kamath – inputs & published by ARIA. Read Harsh’s article in Business Standard for more..

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Appeal to ‘slow mind’ to wean investors off F&O

Can you solve this puzzle : A bat and a ball together cost ₹ 1,100.
The bat costs ₹ 1,000 more than the ball.
How much does the ball cost?

If your answer was ₹ 100, that´s incorrect.
The right answer is ₹ 50.
Nobel Laureate and behavioural economist Daniel Kahneman cites this example in his book, Thinking Fast and Slow, to introduce the concept of the ´fast mind´ (which provides intuitive answers without conscious deliberation), and the ´slow mind´ (which is supposed to deliberate and endorse or reject the fast mind´s intuitive answers).
The fast mind´s immediate answers can be frequently wrong.
The slow mind is lazy and prone to biases.
Yet, with the right training, the slow mind can be tutored to amend the fast mind´s intuitive answers.
So what does this interesting puzzle have to do with weaning Individual Indian investors away from speculating in Futures & Options ? Read Harsh’s article in Business standard to know more..

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Track finfluencer earnings, and have alot more RIAs

SEBI has an unenviable task of controlling the unregulated finfluencers and also ensuring that there enough RIAs to educate investors . Information on the income of “Finfluencers” is not easily available which may be inhibiting SEBI from taking preventive action against the finfluencers. Harsh suggest a creative use of the IncomeTax Act to providing real time update on the finfluencers to allow the regulator to concentrate its resources on them. Harsh’s article in Business Standard..

Track finfluencer earnings, and have alot more RIAs Read More »

Make nomination the third route of succession

Harsh participated in a panel discussion organised by the Department of Economic Affairs & SEBI on June 8 @ Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi. It was part of the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav celebrating 75 years of independence. FM Nirmala Sitaraman also spoke at the event. All the panelists including Harsh had the privilege of meeting her for a brief interaction before she spoke at the event.
The panel discussion was on “The growth of retails investors and the challenges in being an informed investor” . The article in Business Standard has the gist of the talk by me primarily on the need to change the laws just like the 2015 amendment in the Life Insurance Act to make succession the third route of succession. The Indian Citizens need an easy, quick and economical succession route for their assets to free them from the tyranny of their personal laws or wills both of which involve long, tedious, expensive Tarikh pe Tarikh court process.

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