Mutual Funds

Rely on rolling returns, not point to point data

“FD can give better returns over a 10 year period than stock markets”. That was the shocking statement that triggered this article in Business Standard more so because is true 5% of the time (95% of the time stock markets beat fixed deposits over 10 years). Clients often struggle to embrace rolling returns, which offer a clearer picture than misleading point-to-point comparisons. Mark Twain’s words on ‘lies, damned lies, and statistics’ resonate when cherry-picking exceptional periods like the rare 10 year period where FDs beat the stock market—ignoring that 95% of the time, stocks outperform FDs. Investors reading this please remember this when your advisor is asking you to exit a fund which has given good point to point returns but has poor rolling returns compared to its benchmark and peers.

Rely on rolling returns, not point to point data Read More »

Sebi´s new product: MF´s efficiency, PMS´ control

The New Product (earlier called New Asset Class) approved by SEBI Board, is excellent for investors comfortable with high risk investments. It will also allow Long short strategies and is designed to wean investors away from unregulated products. Whilst the New Product will do that, the operational ease and tax benefits of the MF structure will most probably also result in the New Product eating into the existing Rs. 2 lakh crore PMS market. If the fund manager is offering a choice to the investor between the two , there is no doubt the investor will choose the New Product.

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A plea to provide more mutual fund data

In a race between the top runners of US & the Soviet Union, the US runner beat his Soviet counterpart. “Soviet finishes second, US runner finishes second last” was the spin given by the Soviet media. This mythical story on the cold war era propoganda illustrates the importance of data availbility and transparency in reducing the spread of misleading conclusions. The Indian Mutual fund industry has a reputation for setting up global standards in transparency. Harsh’s article in Business Standard on how even more transparency in the outlined areas will enhance this reputation further.

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Simplifying nominations can boost financialisation

Indian securities market regulator SEBI has recently sought public comments on a consultation paper that seeks to comprehensively revamp the entire process of transferring assets to the nominees on the death of the investor. It seeks to remove hurdles and standardise the process so that the transfer to nominees can happen in a few weeks (the dream is the transfer happening in a few days of applying and God willing even that will happen eventually as the system stabilises). The paper also deals with providing access to the investor themselves in case of their incapacitation (unfortunately many such cases are coming up as longevity of Indians increase due to advances in medical science) . This is a giant step towards making Investments in Indian securities market convenient and easy and will aid in spurring the ongoing process of financialisation of household investment assets.

Simplifying nominations can boost financialisation Read More »

Mad money: Indulgence that keeps you disciplined

Harsh learnt a valuable lesson when implementing his lifestyle modification regimen – allowing himself controlled amount of cheating on sugar helped him to stick to his otherwise disciplined diet plan. This article in Business standard is on how he used the lesson in his investment advisory practise. Your comments are welcome.

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